25 October 2008


I'm feeling oh-so much better now! Completely better, actually! Yesterday I got my physical done for my mission, and now the only things left to do is get my "mission photos" (Amanda's taking them for me tomorrow), and my interviews with the bishop and stake president! I'm getting sooo close now! In fact, I'll be submitting the online missionary recommendation stuff tomorrow, as soon as I have a picture to attach! Yahoo!

I had a great week at work! I did get that one day off, when I was feeling terrible after all those shots. But other than that, everything went well and was enjoyable! Eric is in Tennessee for the weekend, meeting his hero Dr. D'Adamo. So Mary and I worked at the store today. Sometimes she'd leave to do some errands, but she was usually around. She even went over to Subway and bought me a sandwich and told me to take a break! She's so sweet! I found some shocking news the other day about her. She's 'over 70'!!! I would never have believed she was that old! I would have guessed late-50s to mid-60s. Wow! She is such a cool 'over 70'-year old! That means she was born in the '30s. And we're FRIENDS! Weird. But SO COOL!

Tonight I'm going to a cool political promotion party thing. It's at the Teton Ballroom on Main Street. Dan Roberts, candidate running for office in the House, will be hosting free snacks and dancing! He actually had fliers calling it "Free Date Night!" Haha! Perfect for Rexburg. So, I think Bradley and I will go check it out. Oh, interesting thing happened this afternoon! Dan Roberts' DAD actually came and shopped at Nature's Nook! We helped him find his vitamins and supplements he was looking for, and then as he was checking out, he noticed our "Dan Roberts" flyer we had at the counter! He was like "that's my son!!!" Mary and I were like "Whoa! That's so cool!" and Mary told him how impressed she is with him, and he talked about how proud he is of him. So, that was fun! Maybe I'll see him again at the party thing tonight!

Oh, another thing. SCARY thing! I'm doing another henna treatment on my hair, even as I type this blog! However, unlike last time, this time I am using 100% Henna!!! (Last time I used a mixture of henna with a lot of indigo). I'm kinda nervous, but nothing bad technically should occur. I also had tons of fun adding spices and stuff! I added an egg for additional conditioning along with ginger and nutmeg for better smell and deeper highlights. So we'll see how it turns out. I know for a fact that since my hair is so dark, nothing nightmarish can result. I hope. =)

Last night my roommate never came home... I was sad (ok, not really)! In fact, I was super surprised when I got home last night, because I was pretty sure she would already be there! Brad and I had watched a movie at his apartment, and so I got home pretty late-ish. But as I walked to my room, I was astounded to find the light still on and the room empty! She must have decided to go have a slumber party with friends or something. I wrote on her Facebook wall, but she never wrote back! If I don't see/hear from her tonight, I'm calling her. Good thing I got her number the other day!

Did you know that I could possibly be getting my mission call in 3 weeks or less?! I seriously can't wait, and I haven't even turned my papers in yet! (Could be a different story by tomorrow!!!) I'm going to have a 'mission call opening party'. I'm going to have treats, and cakes, and fruit, and V8 (for the Bloody Marys, of course!), and invite all my good friends, and then they can all be there when I open it! I'm so excited! But, I definitely won't be having it at my apartment - Eww, gross! Hahah (my apartment really is ancient, rundown, icky). I'll either have it at my old apartment at the Ridge, or just at the Ridge clubhouse. Probably the apartment; it might be a bit cozier.

Well, it's time to rinse out the henna! And go party with the politicians!
Hahah, that sounds scandalous (in D.C. at least).

Another thing, Brooke tells me that blogs are boring without pictures, and that I should always include at least one photo. Here is a photo from last month. Between Saturday conference sessions, I went to Jamba Juice and got a wheatgrass shot with an orange juice chaser. The chaser wasn't needed, because I actually like wheatgrass.
Hurrah for GREENS!


  1. Hurrah for green stuff, henna, politics, Mary, a super job, and a mission that is drawing nigh. Life is good, and I am so glad that all is going well. I am dyeing to see your hair - did you get the spelling pun? Call & let me know how the interviews went. Love you!!!

  2. Wow...so close to a mission call now! I like wheat grass too!

  3. K..just got done reading you latest posts!! You amaze me with all you are enjoying at this time in your life..

    Let me know when your opening party is...I may just come up for that!! Love you..Mel

  4. Hey if you have your farewell in Utah, let us know we want to come! And Ellie is getting so big now! Have you always been into health stuff or is it new? Well our moms are friends so I wouldn't be surprised if you grew up with it all like me! So where do you hope they call you?
