20 October 2008

Random Facts

::Borrowed from Cheryl::

1) Name something you have in common with all of your siblings?
US Citizens! YA!!!

2) Do you fold your underwear?
No way, what a huge waste of time!

3) Do you like to drink the juice out of freeze pops?
Maybe if I felt like puking.

4) Who is the last person you wrote a letter to on paper?
Max, who else?! Hahah. Actually, it might have been Eric...and I did write a note for Remington last night. Hmm.

5) What was your first job?Lava Beds National Monument!

6) Aside from Driver's Ed, who really taught you how to drive?

7) What's the one thing you miss about your Grandma's cooking?
Lol, that's funny.

8) What color is your favorite hoodie?
Grey. I've owned it for nearly 6 years now, gross.

9) Who was like your second Mom?
My boss, Mary, she's pretty motherly.

10) Name a sound that bugs you:My roommates breathing.

11) What's your typical ice cream order at Dairy Queen?
Small Cookie Dough Blizzard! You can add brownie chunks too, if you want. ;)

12) What comes to mind when I say cabbage?Microwave...Se Hui! KIM CHI!

13) What did you do yesterday?
Sleep, eat, church, choir, visit with bishop about missions, talk on phone, visit 3 different apartments of guys, MAJOR socializing, made brownies with Amanda, hung out with Amanda, walked with Amanda, talked with Amanda, fell asleep at my old apartment (until Amanda drove me home at 2am). That was my day.

14) What did you do last night?
Whoa! I alreaday answered that in #13!

[Where is #15?! That's freakin me out...]

16) Are you emotional?
Not particularly, just sympathetic.

17) Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
Yep, yep.

18) Name a song that makes you happy.
"Satellite" by BT. It's about a satellite that comes to take people away. And someone who smells like the sun!

But, I also like jazz. Anything jazz. Miles Davis. Michel Camilo! MINDI ABAIR! And they all start with an "M" and make me happy!

19) Do you use chapstick?
Gotta love Burt's Bees, baby!

20) If you were in an emergency situation and you had to deliver a baby, could you?
I could pretend to.

21) What was the most recent thing you bought?

22) What is on your fridge?
The mail key (it has a piece of magenent on the back of it)

23) Name something you have to do tomorrow?
Baptisms at temple, schedule my missionary exams with a doctor and dentist, work!

24) What was the last movie you watched?
Eagle Eye

25) Do any of your friends have children?
Ya. Even my friend, Mom, has children!

26) Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Carob milk! Jk, I've been drinking only rice milk for 2 and a half years now and it's the way to go!

27) Can you whistle?
Ya. And with practice, I can even whistle on tune!

28) Do you have a trampoline at your house?
I wish!

29) What movie do you know every line to?
A Christmas Story! And Hook!

30) Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
Ya, if they weren't on the prowl for comida.

31) Do you know how to do a cart-wheel?

32) What are you wearing?
Brooke's cute plaid DC shoes, some khaki pants, a sweater, and a cool Russian-like bomberesqe jacket. Pretty boring today...no jewelry even!

33) What was the last thing you ate?
Bradley and I enjoyed organic chocolate chip granola bars not too long ago.

34) Do you take pills of any sort?
Multi-Vitamins, Chinese herbs, B-12, Acid (amino!), stuff like that.

35) When was the last time you did the dishes?
Every day. Fortunately they are very few - I primarily use disposable plastic utensils and dishes! =)

36) How much sleep did you get last night?
7 hours!

37) Do you own any band t-shirts?
Ya, ISIS! Two of them!

38) Last song you sang out loud?
Umm...I think I sang songs with Michael, Amanda, & Alyssa last night? I don't remember! That was a long time ago.

39) When was the last time you slept on the floor?
Huh?! Oh!!! In July! At Brooke & Taylor's house! But I had my memory foam mattress pad and toonns of blankets and stuff, so it wasn't terrible.

40) Who have you talked to today?
Wow. Do you really want me to say? Jourdan, Ariel, Erika, Mary, Rick, Bradley, Emily, Amanda, Danny, I could go on for quite a while; do you want me to? I don't think you do. At least I hope not.

41) What comes to your mind when I say pumpkins?
Prostate health & Halloween.


  1. You are such a funny coed!! Love you.

  2. Question number eight - do you mean the Nike sweater? If so, it's actually black. But it looks grey now because it's so old!

  3. Oh, you just made my day. Great answers - makes me miss you more than ever!! Love you!!!
