05 April 2012

Dancing With Cats

Did you know that you can dance with your cat?!  Me neither, but when working on a project at work, I found this website dedicated to the dancing with your feline friends.

They even have special cat dancing classes that you can take your cat to.

I learned that there are special music CDs made just for cat dancing.  There is a section about the History of Cat Dancing, dating back to the 1600s and "Hey diddle, diddle, the cat and the fiddle."


There is a wonderful FAQs section letting you know why you would ever want to dance with a cat to begin with!

And there's a priceless section of dance tips from cat dancers.  They explain the need to really connect with your cat, purr with them, and maybe even unplug the refrigerator to eliminate electrical interference with you and your cat's connection.

And if cat dancing isn't enough, there is a link to a website about "Why Cats Paint" - displaying beautiful artwork created by none other but cats.  Meow!


  1. That looks really cool! But I read somewhere else that it's just a joke...


  2. Taylor dances with our cats. It's really funny.

  3. I don't know why I find the idea of cats dancing funny, but I do! I find it hilarious! I once came across something similar on Facebook - someone had posted a picture of a group of people dancing at a party and two cats were in the middle with their paws up in the air, looking into the camera, really getting into it! The whole cat-dancing thing throws me into a chuckle. :-)
