05 February 2012

Faith To Be Healed

There is an account of a boy who was in need of healing (Matthew 17:14-21).  He was brought to Christ’s disciples first, but they could not heal him.  The boy was then brought to Christ, who healed him, leaving the disciples to ask why they were unable to heal him themselves.  Christ answered and told them of three important things they must have and do:
  1. Faith
  2. Prayer
  3. Fasting

Here are some additional scriptures about blessings from God:

Blessings are a special gift from God.  I’ve received blessings when I’ve been sick and have recovered quickly because of them.  It’s always important to remember that we are healed according to our faith, just as the scriptures indicate.  I’m grateful to have these blessings available to us.

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