25 February 2012

Parables & Accounts That Teach Eternal Truths

Parable of the Unjust Steward
This unjust steward knew he would soon lose his position as steward, and went about making preparations for his future life.  The message here is that we, knowing that we’ll return to God one day, must do all we can to prepare for our future of eternal life.

Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus
There are two different states or conditions of our postmortal lives – paradise and prison.  Jesus Christ bridged the gap of these two states and the gospel is preached within all parts of the spirit world.

The Ten Lepers
The faith of these lepers was tested when Christ asked them to show themselves to the priest, and they were healed along the way.  Only one, a Samaritan, of the ten returned to give thanks to Jesus.  Not only is our faith important in receiving blessings and miracles, but giving thanks is important as well.

The Ten Lepers
Parable of the Unjust Judge
This parable shows that even an unjust judge who doesn’t care about God or others will eventually respond to the pleas of others.  This assures us that God, who is merciful and just, will definitely hear our pleas and readily answer.

Parable of the Pharisee & the Publican
This parable demonstrates the importance of humility.  Self-righteousness, pride, and self-exaltation will only lead to a decline.  Humility will lead to true exaltation.

1 comment:

  1. I love these parables! Thanks for a good reminder on what our focus should be. You mean it's really not all about me? :-) Great post - love you!
