24 October 2013

Week 5 - Entrepreneur Journal

Lessons Learned:
There were a couple of things that stood out to me this week.  First is the importance of maintaining an eternal perspective, especially concerning wealth.  God does not care how much money I earn or what I buy with that money.  Wealth is an opportunity to help and serve others.  I want to apply this principle of generosity in all aspects of my life – everything I have is a blessing from God and I should share my blessings with others.  This not only includes money, but also time, talents, and other resources.  I want to have a more giving heart and to reach out and serve those around me -  and wealth is not a requirement of doing so.
I also want to develop self-mastery in my life.  I was impressed by the examples given in Elder Tanner’s talk “Success is Gauged by Self-Mastery.”  I know that living a self-disciplined life with commitment to goals and improvement will lead to self-mastery.  I read the book “Mastery,” by George Leonard, and we can develop mastery in all facets of our lives - including daily chores and routines.  We must live each day to the fullest and use every opportunity we can to constantly improve ourselves.  If we become complacent or stop striving to improve, we end up taking steps backwards.
I am a firm believer of setting goals and developing self-discipline to achieve them.  We need to act now to achieve our goals and become the people we hope to be.  Elder Tanner said, “If you want to be successful or outstanding in any field of endeavor, it is important that you determine while young to be a great boy, and not wait to be a man to be a great man; and then have the courage and strength and determination to discipline yourself, apply self-control and self-mastery.”  As we make decisions and commit ourselves to our goals, we can achieve so much and become inspirational people who can influence the world for good.  There is one thing that one of my former bishops shared with my ward a few years ago.  It has always stuck with me and I still apply what he shared into my life on a regular bases.  It is something that I think can help us apply the principles of self-mastery and know how we can continually improve our lives.  He told us to:
  1. Write down something you should start doing
  2. Write down something you should keep doing
  3. Write down something you should stop doing

And he said to do this on a regular basis and to evaluate how you are doing.  Ideally, I would love to do this exercise every week, but I think I do this every month.  It is so interesting to see how things build on each other.  Doing this helps me to identify little things that I should or shouldn’t be doing and motivates me to set goals to do so.  It helps me to waste less time on Facebook, to remember to pray and ready my scriptures, and helps me to use my time more wisely.

1 comment:

  1. hey nice post meh, You are one of the best writers I've seen of recent. I love your style of blogging here. this post reminds me of an equally interesting post that I read some time ago on Daniel Uyi's blog: Guest Blogging .
    keep up the good work friend. I will be back to read more of your posts.

