02 January 2009

First Post of 2009!

Happy New Year!

I just moved home the other week! It's been busy!

We had Grandma and Grandpa Argyle's funerals a month apart. Sad. =(

But, we also had Jennifer and Tanner's wedding last weekend in Oakland! It was great and the reception was sensationally outstanding! Unbelievable -words nor pictures could do its justice!

- At Jennifer's reception -
I wrote a letter to Max today!
He'll probably think "Alexis? She writes LETTERS?! No way!"
I hope to write a letter to Eric tomorrow!

And I'm leaving for my mission in just over a month now! Yahoo!

Oh, Mom and Dad got me this cool smoothie recipe book for Christmas, and today Mom got quite a few ingredients for a variety of recipes! So we'll have to try them out tomorrow! Yay!

Another cool thing I got for Christmas was a gift card to Borders! So I got a nice collection of books the other day, as well as a neat little address book for my mission! Right now I'm reading the coolest collection of Buddhist writings! It's so readable yet deeply introspective!
I love it!

After I finish that, I'm going to start Tale of Two Cities, then the Bhagavad Gita, then Sun Tzu's very own "The Art of War!"

This guy knows the Art of War

Krishna, a Hindu deity

Well, I think I'm going to run on the treadmill for a little bit now!

Peace and Love!


  1. You are way to smart for me. Can I interest you in the Twilight Books?

  2. I am so glad you are home! I am so proud of your decision to serve a mission, but it will be very hard to let you go. What a great new year of experiences this will be for you!! Love you!!!

  3. I cannot believe that you are leaving so soon! I haven't even seen you to congradulate you on your mission call!!! :( makes me sad.

    anywho! love and miss you!

  4. Happy Birthday Lexi!! I can't believe your 21!
