20 March 2008


Ok, so I have been rather negligent lately with my blog! I have been putting up essays that I've written and not provided any insights or updates in my life.
I will be going back to school this summer and I can register for classes tomorrow!
The classes I am taking are:

Intro to Business
Microbiology & Lab
Micro-Applications for Business
Missionary Preparation
And a music class, piano or voice lessons.

I am so excited to be moving in just over 4 weeks! I'll be living in a house apartment on College Avenue. I'll have my own room, free laundry, and placed in convenient proximity of campus.

I have soooo much homework right now. I just got home from work (which I volunteered to work an extra hour and a half because one of my coworkers didn't show). I actually wanted to go home early, but I couldn't just leave knowing they needed me!

So the rest of my plans for today are:

Chinese Literature - A 'critical essay' about Tang Verse (Classic Chinese Poetry)
Astronomy - A lab called "Age of Star Clusters"
Chinese Cultre - A chapter called "The Cosmopolitan Empires of Sui and Tang"
Social Problems - Write stuff.

I am also going to organize my room a little bit, prepare things for packing, and run a couple of miles on the treadmill. I am getting so much better at running!!! I used to hate it so much, my throat would be on fire, my lungs and sides would hurt, and I'd run out of breath in only a few moments. I have been improving so much and I can run 2 miles in 27 minutes now! I would never have been able to do that 2 months ago. I want to be able to run an entire mile, nonstop, in 10 or 12 min!

Well, I'll write more later!


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