12 January 2014

Entrepreneur Resources

This week I was able to learn about some of the different resources I have available to me as an entrepreneur.  I was able to visit several entrepreneur blogs containing helpful advice, insight, and information. 
A couple of them in particularly stood out to me.  The first one is Wisebread.com.  I love the WiseBread.com blog!  It focuses on saving money through person finance and frugal living.  As a young mother, I want to do all I can to save money so we can buy a house soon, as well as pay for our regular bills and expenses.  I think that being able to save money and live frugally applies personally as well as in a business.  When starting your own business, you want to cut back on as many costs as possible, as well as cut out any unnecessary costs.  Having this mindset can help increase revenue and success.  Additionally, we feel better out ourselves and our lives when we use our resources wisely.
The other one is the Young Entrepreneur blog on Entrepreneur.com.  I felt like I related more to this one since it was focused on young entrepreneurs.  It discusses a variety of things ranging from social media marketing, New Year’s Resolutions from young entrepreneurs, to why the “Millenials” are great people to hire.  It shares advice for aspiring entrepreneurs and helps them to identify and develop traits that will help them to be more successful.  It contains resources on goal setting, tips on being a better entrepreneur, overcoming struggles, and ways to build good credit for a new startup.  As a student, I feel like this blog can be an excellent resource for me as I begin my own business.  I feel like it’s targeted for beginners like me.

I am excited about this semester and starting my own business for the $100.00 challenge!  I know I will learn a lot of valuable lessons and gain experience.  This journal will help me to track my progress and allow me to review the experiences and remember the things I will learn.

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