30 November 2013

Week 10: Entrepreneur Journal

This week I learned about balancing my life among all the different things I may be involved with.  Balance is essential for true happiness.  The Acton Guide on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness shared some shared some simple, yet critical, truths concerning happiness.  One of the most widely believed myths is that future changes will make you happier.  People believe that they will be happy if they have more money, a bigger house, lose more weight, drive a nicer car, get another promotion, etc., but the reality is that if you are not happy now, you probably won’t be happy in the future.  The guide showed research evidence and graphs that show this fact.  It helps me to remember that happiness is an attitude – a state of mind.  We are the ones who decide our level of happiness, not our achievements, possessions, etc.  We must learn to be happy in the present and with the lives we have and stop chasing after future happiness.

We must prioritize the things that are most important to us in our lives because, eventually, we will need to decide between one thing and another (and sometimes more).  If we decide now what is most important to us, those decisions won’t be as difficult when we are faced with them.  If I decide that being there for my family is the most important thing to me, then I will do everything I can to do that – even if it means making sacrifices or turning down opportunities at work or school.

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