05 May 2008

!Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I'm having a great semester so far! Classes are going great! Last Thursday my Microbiology Lab began, which is exciting! I got to look at yeast and blood vessels under a microscope along with a fruit flies wing (not alive, of course) and also a hair from my scalp! Super fun! I hope we get to isolate DNA and use petri pans! That’s my favorite! I still remember how cool my Molecular Biology class was at BYU! And my awesome DNA necklace I made!

My Microbiology Lab instructor is the same guy that teaches the class I’m taking! He is so funny! Such an interesting character... Today one of his colleagues, (I’m assuming another Biology professor) came in and was making funny faces behind his back, and he didn’t even realize it! When people would laugh, he thought they were laughing at him! And he was so confused, it happened about 3 or 4 times, and finally the instructor just walked up to him and then turned off his computer when he was in the middle of a power point presentation!!! Poor professor! He realized it quite quickly and was like “Hey! What are you doing?!?!” and tried to push him away, but it was too late. We had to make short talk for about 6 or 7 min while the computer restarted and got logged back on and everything. Hahaha.

One thing that I’ve been wondering for a while, well since the first day of class, is whether or not cells (namely bacteria and viruses) have spirits. They are alive, have specific functions, move, eat, reproduce, die. I can understand that maybe not every cell has a spirit, because those seem more chemically reacting and not as alive, but with viruses and bacteria, they are very alive, so I really wonder. I thought about asking my professor a couple of times. I might ask some other people first though.

I went to Coeur d'Alene with Robby and his sister Nicole last weekend! Their family lives up there! It was so beautiful there with so many trees, lakes, mountains, etc! I loved it! And Robby's family is so cool and nice and made the visit super fun! We even went on a hike (where I took this picture on my phone) and it was so nice to be out in the trees and everything! There should be more trees in Rexburg!

But, speaking of Rexburg, the weather has momentarily postponed the blizzards (hopefully for a WHILE!) It's 70 degrees today, blue skies, and I didn't have to wear a jacket for once! Today was also "Hawaii Day" for my business class! We were instructed to wear shorts, flip flops, leis, and anything you'd wear to Hawaii. So that was fun! It'll probably be the only time I'll wear shorts and flip flops to class (both are against the dress code) and get away with it! Wow! My business class is also divided into 8 or 9 teams, to promote the ability to work well with others in groups. One person from each team was supposed to share a travel experience and my team decided that I should share one. I haven't even been out of the country, traveled extensively, or gone on a mission (at least 2 people in my group have gone on foreign missions!) So I told them a few, and they like the one where I passed out at the Nauvoo Bakery. Hahaha. So Mom e-mailed me some great Nauvoo pictures she took when we were there, and I got to tell them about it.

Oh, and for anyone that is wondering about Robby, he's my boyfriend now!!! He is the very best and I really enjoy spending time with him! He is such a cool guy! And handsome too! He has to be the most adorable guy I've ever known! And he's my boyfriend! =)

Brooke sent me some awesome tracks from a piano CD she recently purchased! It's called "Piano Lounge" or something, and it's jazzy and has a nice relaxed feeling to it. I love it! I want her to send more!

Yesterday I got sustained for my new callings! I am now the Ward Choir Director as well as on the activities committee! Activities committee will be great fun, but I'm kind of nervous about the Choir Director one! I've never directed a choir before, nor do I know how! But the bishop's wife, Sister Stevens, is the Stake Music Chairman, and she says she can help me. She is an amazing lady! She is so classy and elegant too! I love her!

I have a lot of reading to do. That's almost all that my homework ever is - huge reading assignments every day! But it could be worse. Just imagine huge writing assignments and essays to go along with those readings! I also have an orthodontist appointment this week, a dance board meeting, a SIFE meeting, a meeting with the bishopric, and another meeting with my business 'team'. Oh, I also named our team! At first the people were thinking of stupid names, like "Team Yahoo" and stuff! They were also thinking of successful corporations to name our team after, which might be related to business, but I thought of one that is powerful and is directly related to business: Chain of Command! How perfect is that?! It's authoritative and is an extremely important aspect in business (Chain of command being a set of relationships that indicates who directs which activities and who reports to whom). And our team will be at the top of that chain! My old FHE brother is in my team too!!! We made him the "team leader"! Good thing too, because he called me last night to remind me of a paper that was due today! I almost forgot about it! What an awesome team leader!

Our new FHE brothers just visited tonight too! They're all nice guys! All of them are 18, except for one of them who is 21. They're cool though!

I also got a letter from Max today! And an e-mail! Sounds like he's having a great time in Majuro!

Robby is at work right now. How sad! But I'll see him later tonight! So I'll just work on homework and visit with roommates and friends! And maybe go to the gym tomorrow! I haven't been once yet this semester! Ya, I think I'll definitely go!


  1. Wow! You always write such long and detailed blogs! How fun!! I'll definitely send some more "Piano Lounge"!!! I loved reading about that funny professor teasing your microbiology professor!!!!

  2. I just love reading all you have to say about what is going on in your classes, what you wonder about, and of course all about Robby. I am so glad you got away for the weekend and enjoyed yourself so much. Your classes sound so interesting and also fun. I miss you around here so much, but I am so glad you are there enjoyng your life. Love you!!!!!

  3. Wow Lexi, so glad you are taking full advantage of everything and everyone around you...Good For YOU..You Go Girl!! lOVE YOU, mEL
