28 January 2008

Mitt Romney for 2008!

What makes MITT ROMNEY the most qualified Republican candidate for 2008?

Here are three examples that I feel are extremely important:

ABORTION: Romney opposes abortion. Of course, extenuating circumstances are considered; it is definitely safe to say that it is murder and therefore wrong.

- Rudi Giuliani is the only Republican candidate that supports abortion.

- NONE of the Democratic candidates oppose abortion.

IRAQ: Romney believes in winning this conflict! I passionately believe that if we pull out of Iraq prematurely, it will only cause further and more serious problems in the future. It would only mean forfeiting all the efforts we have already worked so hard to achieve. Throwing away all our resources and labors would enable a victory for the terrorists, causing them win, including a victory concerning 9/11. The solution is to carry out and complete our objectives in Iraq. Ultimately, we can mend the country of its hostility, diminish the extreme threat presented, and eliminate the fear that is faced by every nation.

SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: Romney does not, nor has he ever supported same-sex marriage. He also does not support civil unions.

- John McCain:

Opposes constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage,

Believes that states should individually decide on the issue,

Supports legal benefits for same-sex partners.

- Rudi Giuliani supports domestic partnerships and legal benefits for same-sex partners.

One note concerning McCain's belief that states should decide individually concerning same-sex marriage - He well knows that there are states that would instantly take advantage of this and legalize same-sex marriages. This belief of his verifies that he supports same-sex marriages, even if it is indirectly as shown in this potential allowance of state-by-state choice.

In summary, it is clear to me that Mitt Romney is our best choice when it comes to the upcoming 2008 Election! Please research the candidates and vote this Fall!

- Alexis N. Pomeroy

Please visit www.mittromney.com for more information about this outstanding candidate and join his team!!!

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