24 March 2012

The Savior's Instructions About The Holy Ghost

John 14-16 has some wonderful teachings of Jesus Christ about the Holy Ghost.  He was teaching his disciples about what the Holy Ghost does and what they must do to receive it.

The Holy Ghost:
Brings things to remembrance
Brings Peace
Guides to Truth
Testifies of Christ
Reproves sin
Inspires us to live up to our full potential
Serves as a messenger of God & does His will

To Receive the Holy Ghost:
Keep the commandments
Be not troubled or afraid
Share testimonies and be a witness of Christ

The Holy Ghost was vital in the continuance of the gospel after Christ’s resurrection.  The Holy Ghost was able to direct, strengthen, and comfort the Apostles as they continued their ministries.  The Holy Ghost was able to bear witness to their words as they shared their testimonies and Christ’s teachings.  They were able to feel of God’s presence with them through the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost has been a wonderful blessing throughout my life.  I remember having a difficult time at the very beginning of my mission.  I felt like my trainer hated me and that I shouldn’t be there.  But as I prayed and asked God for help, I felt the peace and comfort of the Holy Ghost.  I knew that God was with me during this hard time, and that strengthened me.  I’m grateful for this experience because it continued to help me throughout my mission.

17 March 2012

The Institution Of The Sacrament

All too often we forget that the last supper is really two events rather than just one.  On that night the Savior preformed a traditional Passover feast in the tradition of Moses, but then at the end added a new element, the bread and wine which were specifically given to the apostles as an ordinance to “do in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).

It is important to remember that Passover was instituted not only as a commemoration for the temporal salvation of Israel in the time of Moses,  but also as a sign pointing forward to the future total salvation of all humanity from Spiritual and Temporal death through the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thus, as the Passover pointed forward, the Sacrament of the Lords Supper points backwards to the fundamental event of existence. Both the Passover and the Sacrament place stress on the obligation and covenant to remember, something that is fundamental to accepting and applying the atonement of the Savior in our lives.

I think that the covenant of Remembrance makes the Sacrament a unique ordinance in the church. All of the other Ordinances of the Priesthood are divided into two categories – Temporal ordinances (such as naming and blessing children, blessing the sick, setting apart to a calling, etc.) and Ordinances of Salvation (Baptism, Confirmation, Temple Ordinances, etc.). The easiest way to differentiate between the two is that the first category does not involve covenants and many can be received several times in a lifetime, while the second category all involve covenants and almost always are only received once for ones self. However, only the Sacrament blurs the line between the two, it is the only ordinance involving a covenant that we receive multiple times in our life. Perhaps the reason for this is that we are covenanting to remember, something that we must do frequently as we live here on earth.

But the sacrament is more than just a replacement for or reiteration of the Passover, it is a reminder that the Lord no longer requires a physical sacrifice of an animal, but rather a sacrifice of “a broken heart and a contrite spirit” (3 Ne 9:19-20). While the breaking of bread may be more palatable to our modern sensibilities than torn animal flesh, we should always remember that it represents the broken body of our Lord, and that we should be grateful for the suffering he endured for our sake.

10 March 2012

Preparing For The Savior's Second Coming

Mark 13 is a great chapter that addresses the Savior's Second Coming.  Christ states that if we take heed, we won't be deceived.  The words "take heed" and "watch" appear many times in this chapter.  This is a good way for us to know what we  can do to be prepared.  There are numerous things that are listed that we can watch for.  Some of them include:

False Christs

Wars & Rumors of Wars

The Gospel of Christ will be shared in all nations

Other References To The Second Coming:
Doc & Cov 87:8 directs us to stand in holy placed and be not moved.
Joseph Smith - Matthew has some great resources as well!  As we treasure up the word of God, we will not be deceived.  We need to continually do God's work and will.
As long as we are faithful and praying always, we can be prepared for His coming. (Doc & Cov 33:17)
We need to receive the truth and have the Holy Spirit as our guide.  (Doc & Cov 45:56-57)

I know that as we strive to follow Christ and live as He would have us live, we'll be prepared for His Second Coming and won't be deceived.  I'm grateful for the guidance that the scriptures provide, as well as the Holy Spirit.  The gospel is our source of truth and peace.

06 March 2012

I Love Gunnars

I'm in front of computer screens constantly for both school and work.  I found this very straining to my eyes, so I bought myself a pair of Gunnar Computer Glasses the other month!  And it was so worth it!  I got the "PPK" style in "Onyx/Mercury."  And I love them so much!!!  I was amazed by what a huge difference they made!  Now I wear them every day.  I think I might have died without them.  Or at least fried my eyes out.

Gunnar "PPK" Glasses